NH Home Builders
Education Series
With Support From:

Join us this Spring and Fall for a series of FREE classes for all New Hampshire based builders & contractors. Come learn from experts about topics like the new building codes, energy efficiency, business management techniques, and more. We will be holding classes in every corner of the state, and all you need to do to attend is sign up. Please attend as many of these as you wish. This program is brought to you by a partnership of the NH Home Builders Association and NHSaves.

Our Programs

OSHA 10 Training
Our OSHA 10 training is a 2 day program that will meet in back-to-back weeks. Part 1 will cover an introduction to OSHA and the "Focus Four": Fall Prevention, Caught in or on prevention, Struck by Prevention, Electrical Safety. Day 2 cover Personal Protective Equipment -selection, use & care. Day 2 will also cover the topics Stair and ladder safety, Health Hazards, Material handling (use of lifts, lulls, etc), back injury prevention and Motor Vehicle Safety (short defensive driving).
September 19th and 26th - Concord
October 5th & 10th - Keene
November 2nd & 9th - Laconia
Lead Paint Remediation
This Lead Paint Remediation class will cover the EPA's Renovate, Repair, and Paint Program. Vermont's RRP(M) training will also be included. When completed, students will be EPA and HUD certified remodelers. This is an 8 hour course that cover's everything you need to know for EPA standards when renovating a house built before 1978.
October 4th - West Lebanon
December 6th - Charlestown
December 20th - Nashua
Framing a Safety Program
“Framing a Safety Program” focuses on why a safety program is needed no matter the size of the company. There is no one all inclusive safety program that works for every company. We will discuss key components all programs should have, who should be responsible for the program, implementing it, monitoring it, and keeping it going. The goal of a safety program is to ensure the company can continue operations by preventing work place injuries and claims. We go over steps companies can implement to control, prevent and mitigate losses.
October 19th - Meredith
October 24th - Manchester
Motor Vehicle Safety Training
Motor Vehicle Safety and losses associated with company vehicles or even employee owned vehicles is a loss leader for insurance companies. Motor vehicle fatalities have become the leading cause of work related deaths for ALL OCCUPATIONS! Because of these losses insurance companies are looking closely at construction company driving records, fleets, past losses and exposure. We will go over the most common types of vehicle collisions, how to prevent them. Other topics covered in this will include DOT rules & regulations, truck/trailer inspections, driver MVR review, driver files, safer reports, driver road tests, cargo security.
November 7th - Nashua
November 15th - Dover
Saving Energy
Our Saving Energy Class covers the different ways that homes and businesses can save energy using new technology and methods, while following regulations. This class will review some (not all) recent changes to the Energy Code (for example, new Air Exchange rates). This class is applicable to home owners who want to improve their property AND builders who want to build energy efficient homes in the future. We will also cover the parts of the NHSaves Program and EnergyStar Homes.
October 30th - Berlin
December 14th - Portsmouth
When it Hits the Fan
“When it hits the fan,” is about the day that a claim happens. More specifically, a big claim, or one that looks small but grows larger each day. Many companies have not experienced a severe incident, or any incident. We want to go over the tools for reporting a claim and controlling costs associated with a claim. We will discuss Workers Compensation, General Liability and even Auto claims.
October 25th - Charlestown

Thank you to Cross Insurance for Providing
Instruction for our 2023 Education Series
NHSaves works to advance the efficient use of energy in New Hampshire.
NHSaves has great ideas and resources to help you save time, money, and energy as part of your daily routine and business practices. Watch our video and remember, when New Hampshire saves, we all win!
NHSaves is a collaboration of New Hampshire’s electric and natural gas utilities working together to provide NH customers with information, incentives, and support designed to save energy, reduce costs, and protect our environment statewide.